Tuesday, May 22, 2012

there's a new MAN in my life!

his name is Jeremy
he's 23
he treats me like a princess
he's a cancer (which is a mega plus in my book)
he's about to be a senior at UNT studying business law (yup he's smart!)
he's an only child like myself (which is a bummer in case i manage to one day reproduce with him lol)
he likes a lot of the same things i do
he thinks a lot like i do
did i mention he treats me like a princes??

that part i'm having a hard time getting used to though
what can i say, i'm used to a-holes!
it's a delightful change

funny that he came into my life right as my first love stuck me in the friend zone for life (to his credit, he has no idea i've been in love with him...but still! i was planning on telling him rather soon...super glad i didn't considering his choice of words)

as one door closes, another one really does open

Friday, May 11, 2012

a little bit about what i do

i'm a secretary,
meaning i pretty much run this place

no but really, i kinda do
if it weren't for me, my boss would still be losing his mind
(he's a very close family friend, so i know he was lol)

but here's kinda how my day goes:

  • get to work at 8:30ish
  • check the mail to see if any checks have come in
  • get to the office, turn on lights & ac, sweep a little (somehow the floor is always covered in black dust!)
  • water the bonsai if it's dry and set it outside for sun
  • then if there were any checks in the mail, open them, stamp them, and fill out the deposit slip
  • i then log on to the system, check and reply all necessary emails
  • if a customer emailed saying something is wrong with their pool, i then call my boss so he can go out there and fix it
  • i then add all the payments in the system
  • and from there is all depends, i take phone calls from the other employees letting me know they need parts ordered or something repaired (which means i have to make a service order for our tech), i take customer calls, do payroll, and whatever tasks need to be done that day
i love it when i get here and i have a bunch of stuff to do
the day goes by fast and i keep busy
cause the slow days (usually fridays) i'm banging my head against my desk from boredom lol

and since i know jackie loves photos,
i took a few for her to see what the office looks like (:

click them to see it better!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Oh my goodness!

Hi! I promise I'm here still lol

This whole working thing is no joke!
However I'm so in love with my job
Nothing feels better than making your own money
&& taking a burden off of your parents
Mom & dad even say I'm getting all fancy cause I can go out whenever I please now
Omg it's so wonderful!
I love everyone I work with (:

It felt so awesome to open my own bank account and see my name on the card
Silly, I know, but still cool!
Oh and last Friday I paid my first adult bill
Ok it was a dentist bill, but still!!
Ahhh I'm going crazy haha

On another note...
I got another tattoo and can I just say, I love it so <3
The name of my blog is finding home, correct?
Well my all time favorite band that impacted my life as a teen and kinda molded how i turned out is Saosin, and they have a song called Finding Home
Well from day 1, I've been in love with that song

The line "the road goes and i am finding home in it" is part of the chorus,
And so relevant to my life

You know, brazil was my home,
But now texas is my home
And who knows if I will end up moving again and finding a new home?
So wherever the road takes me, I'll find home in it <3

It hurt, a lot!
But was pretty quick
&& so worth it!!

Iit's just now peeling,
So once it looks nice and pretty, I'll post a new photo

I have more to say but I'll save it for another post lol

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm a working girl!

i am now a full time secretary!
i'm super excited
it's about time i start making my own money

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

february recap

so here's all the craziness that has gone down this month:

  • on the 4th i messaged an estranged friend because i missed. we then proceeded to make up and become friends again.
  • on the 11th me, said friend (michelle) & my my dear matt all got to hang out together for the first time since we ended the 6th grade! isn't that crazy?! it'd been like 7 years since the 3 of us had all been in the same room at once. it was really fun! we had a great time at michelle's birthday
  • on the 25th i turned 19! this birthday was a little different for me. it's hard to explain why...i was just really emotional. 19 isn't a big milestone, it's just 19. maybe it's the fact that this is my last year as an actual teen. i'm not sure but i had fun with my old & new friends (: i also received by far the sweetest letter (instead of a card) from Carrie with my cook book. she's not exactly one to show a lot of emotions but it was so heartfelt and sweet. brought tears to my eyes and made me feel loved.
  • no exact date, but i made 3 new good friends in my culinary class! these girls are wonderful and very dear to me already.
  • and lastly my old soul kicked in and i caught full blown baby fever! it's so crazy!! i'm 19 and have been ready to have a baby for almost a year now lol

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

valentine's day

i normally don't care about it,
whether i have a boyfriend or not.

but today kinda sucked.

lately i've just been craving love.
i want to be loved
and be in love.

and i'm not.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

i just want my house back

we now have 3 people living with us...
every bedroom in the house is taken
along with bathrooms.

the first 3 weeks were fun,
now i need my space again.

someone give me my house back?